"...nonprofit leaders are eager for clarity on where they place their bets and how they can create the biggest impact for children and families."


–Carol Thompson Cole, President & CEO, Venture Philanthropy Partners




About the Kirkland Byrd Group

At its core, KBG  is committed to working with its clients to change the trajectory for our country's children, youth, and families. We strongly believe that no child's outcome in life should be a function of her or his zip code. We know what children, youth, and families need in order to thrive!  

KBG understands and is committed to community engagement and has extensive experience in local communities, developing mutually beneficial, cross-sector partnerships that promote social change. We respect and value the inter-connectedness of the health and human services delivery systems. Our tentacles reach broad and deep across organizational boundaries, especially within the Greater Washington Region. We are bridge builders who hear and speak the language of the corporate, nonprofit, and government sectors.

Working in collaboration with its clients, KBG creates exciting new pathways that help organizations respond to current and emerging challenges and opportunities, increase their impact, and fulfill their mission.

Why Your Organization Should Contract with KBG

First and foremost, KBG has a proven track record of success.

Working with your team, KBG will build on the best of venture capital private equity principles to increase impact, enhance value, and support transformation. We start by listening to you, carefully and respectfully. We learn about your history, current operations, and strategic direction. Then we jointly decide how to build the capacity of your organization and better align your strategy to increase organizational performance, effectively integrating research, policy, and practice, and fostering collaboration. We understand our role as a strategic partner and we operate within that context. We don't try to run your organization.

We know that capacity-building activities such as planning, reorganizing, training, and communicating lead to increased effectiveness. We know how to measure that increase by organizational outputs such as improved morale, focus, efficiency, and productivity, all integrally related to better management and greater program impact. We help you set realistic goals, monitor progress, and evaluate success.

KBG recognizes there is no one correct approach to capacity building. As your capacity-building partner, we are committed to exploring a range of options jointly with you, contingent upon your organizational desire and readiness for change.